Cursed children of the village slept for days in a row Fterkha population fear them

Cursed children of the village slept for days in a row Fterkha population fear them

القرية الملعونة.. أطفالها ينامون لأيامٍ متتالية فتركها سكّانها خشيةً عليهم
 Villagers Preezovka Kazakh 1,500 people deserted their village after it hit a wondrous children's disease children fall to the ground, and catch them with distended spasms, cramps, and then they lose a sense of their limbs, and suffer vertigo, distracted and see them.

The abandonment of the population of their village to another village about 15 miles and are still suffering from the same symptoms and some of them knocked him out for up to a week continuously.

One of the parents say the school was calling daily at 11:00 due to fatigue, which affects his son suddenly. And cast another father blamed the toxic gases emitted from power plant near the village and that follow the company's giant "Shell", according to a report by the newspaper "Daily Mail" British.

The villagers say that the symptoms began in November 2014 when I feel out of 90 people, accompanied by loud bang, and thick black smoke coming out of one of the station buildings.

Station management and denied that it is responsible for these symptoms and reported that the uproar that I heard on November 18 was due to the excessive load of natural gas.


Many of the victims have fallen prey to the disease during the study times throughout the 18 months.

One of the parents told us they Hatvoh from school and told him that his daughter Mtoekh. When he went he was unconscious. He added: "We have been waiting for the ambulance for an hour and a half. All this time my daughter was unconscious and did not wake up until after receiving oxygen mask."

Another father said that his son had lost consciousness and began to suffer from cramps, then after treatment in a nearby city eased those tensions, but his vision deteriorated. The boy's father says: "Now, my son is suffering from a sharp drop in blood pressure, and sometimes Taatkhaddr his legs and could not speak, in addition to some pains in his chest."

One of the mothers said that the school administration told her that her daughter be sitting in the classroom and then suddenly dropped. It also breaks down as she walked in the room sometimes. After the girl's treatment of convulsions in a nearby city resumed symptoms reappeared.

Parents accused BG, a subsidiary of Shell, also accused the Kazakh government of covering up the 2014 incident, which they claim is the cause of all this.

One of the activists, said that what is happening is an attempt to preserve the reputation of the foreign partners in one of the largest oil companies in the world. He added: "Approximately 50% of the village's population is infected with chronic diseases, and 80% of children suffer from respiratory diseases."

Hazardous substances in the air!

Independent observers found dangerous chemicals in the air of the village, including toxic hydrogen sulfide. But the government said that pollution in a safe village ratios.

The Deputy Prime Minister blamed the chimney bad design school, in addition to school hot water station. He said: "We have specialists working there, and did not found any harmful substances by air of the village."

The government said that all the residents of the village will be resettled in another place by the end of the year. More than 1,500 people move yet. But it has been refused parents who demanded sends village children to undergo a medical examination in overseas orders.

BG announced that there was no evidence that the emissions from the company plants linked to the disease. The company said it agreed to "patients to treatment centers move."

Comparison shall be made between what is happening in the village Preezovka what happened in another village by the terms of the symptoms are similar in the two incidents.

It was concluded that the cause of this phenomenon in other villages was the arrival of toxic gases emitted from a Soviet uranium mines abandoned. This began when residents complained that village of incidents of fainting persist for several days, in addition to the spread of hallucinations. As the case in the village of Preezovka have been transferred villagers to other areas.

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